Latinscapes (Land & Scape Series)


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200 pp 21 x 15 cm Paperback english/español ISBN: 978-84-252-2192-7 The profession of landscape architect in Latin America has not been developed to the same degree as in European countries and the USA. Academic programmes on this special field in Latin-American universities are relatively new and thin on the ground. That’s to say, the landscape architect in Latin America tends to be an architect who’s received a training in this field through his own experience and thanks to an attitude that sees, utilises and recreates the landscape as an aesthetic and cultural means of expression. Latinscapes tries to display an attitude common to various countries: that of landscape understood as raw material, as a search procedure for successfully defining a group portrait made up of different faces that have certain common origins and histories. Jimena Martignoni is a graduate of the Architecture Faculty of the University of Belgrano (Argentina) and specialises in Landscape Planning. She collaborates on the magazines Landscape Architecture Magazine, Topos and Green Places.

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